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Anti-Racism Resources

Anti-Racism & How to Be An Ally

Support and resources on Anti-Racism and Allyship

Black Lives Matter

A Message of Solidarity on behalf of CAPS and Confidential Advocacy

Racial Stress & Trauma

Support and resources for coping with the impact of racial stress and trauma


Community Resources

Basic Needs Initiative

Resources for food, emergency housing, emergency grants, and more to support SSU students.

LGBTQIA+ Support

The current environment may be particularly challenging to some of our LGBTQIA+ students who have had to move home with families who do not support them or do not know their identities. Please know that you are not alone, and there are many avenues for support.

Mental Health Treatment and Other Local Services 

How to find an off-campus therapist, community services and resources available in addition to CAPS services.


Self-Care & Wellness


Support for coping with the stress and impact of the coronavirus pandemic

Grief and Loss

Information and resources to cope with grief and loss.

Stress Management Tools

Tools you can use to help with stress management, including guided meditations and daily self-care suggestions.

Suicide Prevention

If you or someone else is considering suicide, get help IMMEDIATELY. Please visit our Suicide Prevention page to learn how. The most important thing friends and family can do to help an individual who is depressed or having thoughts of suicide is to help this person receive the appropriate treatment.