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Confidential Advocacy

Confidential Advocacy is a confidential resource for addressing sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, and harassment.

The Confidential Advocate is part of the Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) team and provides support, survivor outreach, coordination of support services, and assistance with decision-making to SSU students, staff, and faculty who are impacted or victimized by interpersonal violence or harassment.

All are welcome. We strive to acknowledge, accept, and support the perspectives of a diverse campus population. This includes, but is not limited to, race/ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, religious/spiritual affiliation, socio-economic status, and immigration status.

What is Confidential Advocacy?

For a summary of Confidential Advocacy, please see our brochure.

A supportive place to start.

The office of Confidential Advocacy brings a holistic approach to supporting survivors. Advocates provide affirming, empowering, free, confidential support through a non-judgmental, compassionate approach to exploring all options, rights, and resources.

It is always your decision to pursue any of the available resources, and you can access support without reporting to the police, OPHD, or the university. We are here to support your decisions. We are NOT reporting employees. We are confidential. We encourage you to ask questions if you have any concerns or hesitations.

You deserve safety, respect, and care.

If you've experienced sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating/intimate partner/domestic violence, stalking, and/or cyber-harassment, please know that what happened is not your fault. Whatever feelings you may be experiencing are valid -- there is no one response to sexual harassment or violence.

You may be experiencing a wide range of feelings such as shock, fear, disbelief, recurring memories, outrage, confusion, sadness, despair, anger, and many more. All of you feelings are valid. Whether you tell someone, who you tell, and how you tell your story, is entirely your decision. Regardless of what you decide, there are people at SSU who are committed to helping you whether you're a student, staff person, or faculty.

Survivor Advocacy:

Our full-time professional staff are California state-certified crisis counselors for sexual assault and domestic violence. We are available to our entire campus community: survivors and loved ones, students, faculty, and staff.

Our advocates can provide the following services:

  • 1:1 confidential crisis intervention, support, and safety planning.
  • Trauma-informed and survivor-centered information and validation regarding common feelings, experiences, and questions regarding reporting & healing processes.
  • Accompaniments to protective orders, Title IX proceedings, medical forensic exams, law enforcement interviews, legal proceedings, etc.
  • Referrals for academic, administrative, and/or housing advocacy & community support services
  • Ongoing survivor support

Solidarity Statement

The Office of Confidential Advocacy stands in support of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities and against systemic racism and violence that has resulted in trauma and loss of valued lives. Black Lives Matter. Gender- and power-based violence is rooted fundamentally in power and control and is inextricably tied to the systems and institutions that perpetuate systemic racism. The issues of racial injustice and gender- and power- based violence directly intersect, and we cannot fully support survivors and dismantle rape culture without committing to the liberation of all marginalized identities.

If you need help now:

If this is an emergency, CALL 911

Confidential Resources:

 Page updated 05/29/2024